Ep# |
Episode Title |
Synopsis |
Air Date |
5.1 |
Conviction |
After settling into his new job at Wolfram & Hart (with Harmony as his secretary), Angel meets a young lady named Eve, who claims that she is the new liaison between him and the Senior Partners. She reveals that in order for him to do good in LA, he will have to be prepared to do some bad too. Angel is forced to prevent a criminal from going to jail, when he threatens to drop a chemical warfare virus, that could ultimately destroy California. Meanwhile, a very shifty Gunn undergoes a painful medical procedure at the hands of a Wolfram & Hart doctor. |
1st Oct 03 |
5.2 |
Just Rewards |
Although Spike's body was destroyed in Sunnydale, his non-corporeal spirit has been sent back to the mortal coil against his will. Everyone tries to figure out what is going on while Angel is having trouble with a Necromancer named Hainsley. He is charging Demons for putting their essence into fresh corpses, which he is buying from Wolfram & Hart. After Hainsley kills the first messenger, Angel decides to pay him a visit to tell him that they will no longer supply him with bodies. Spike decides to tag along and is offered a body by Hainsley if he helps him. Angel learns that he cannot touch Hainsley, because he is being controlled by him. Angel and Spike argue about their souls, which leads Spike to make a decision. He tells Hainsley he will help him, but then jumps inside him. This allows Angel to hit him and finally kill him through decapitation. Spike jumps back out of his body and explains that Hainsley was dead way before the decapitation, but Spike wanted a few punches. |
8th Oct 03 |
5.3 |
Unleashed |
Angel helps a newly turned Werewolf named Nina, who is being hunted by an exclusive club which specialises in exotic meals. A member of the club is working undercover for Wolfram & Hart under the alias, Dr. Royce. He captures Nina after promising her to the other members, but Angel and the Gang arrive to rescue her. The club are disappointed that they have no meal, so Nina bites Dr. Royce, turning him. Nina agrees to visit Wolfram & Hart once a month for a routine check-up. |
15th Oct 03 |
5.4 |
Hellbound |
As Halloween dawns on Los Angeles,
Spike is being tormented by the spirit of a brutal, wiccan surgeon named Pavayne. Since his magic helps him stay out of hell, he wanders around Wolfram & Hart cleaning up the loose spirits. With growing concern for Spike, Fred tries frantically to find a way to make him corporeal and prevent him from being sent to hell. While Spike battles it out with Pavayne, Fred arrives with her new contraption. As she is attacked by Pavayne, Spike is faced with a choice. He can save Fred, or he can use her machine to become corporeal. |
22nd Oct 03 |
5.5 |
Life Of The Party |
The consummate entertainer Lorne works around the clock to throw the ultimate Halloween party at Wolfram & Hart. When their guests begin to behave strangely and out of character, Angel and the gang investigate to find out what's causing the mysterious happenings. |
29th Oct 03 |
5.6 |
The Cautionary Tale
of Numero Cinco |
Angel learns that he must track down a retired Mexican wrestler (guest star Danny Mora) to help him defeat Tezcatcatl, an ancient Aztec warrior who emerges every 50 years to take the heart of a hero to sustain his own existence. Angel is surprised to find the wrestler is employed at his company, Wolfram & Hart, and that he has a personal score to settle with Tezcatcatl. |
5th Nov 03 |
5.7 |
Lineage |
Wesley's Father arrives in Los Angeles to evaluate him for possible reacceptance to the Watcher's Council. His arrival is a surprise for Wesley, who hasn't seen or spoken to him in years. |
12th Nov 03 |
5.8 |
Destiny |
When another mysterious package arrives at Wolfram & Hart that recorporealizes Spike, the gang learns that the existence of two living ensouled vampire heroes has created chaos in the world. After Eve tells them about a prophecy that states that the only way to restore order is to find the Cup of Perpetual Torment that bestows human life, Angel and Spike battle it out for the ultimate prize. A series of flashbacks show the history of Angel and Spike and their relationship with Drusilla. |
19th Nov 03 |
5.9 |
Harm's Way |
Angel arranges an important truce meeting between two warring demon tribes through a Demon Rights Activist. Already feeling unappreciated at work, Harmony's life in the office gets worse when she finds the Demon Rights Activist dead in her bed one morning after a night of drinking. Knowing that Angel will kill her for causing the summit negotiations to break down, Harmony is desperate to find out who framed her for the murder. |
14th Jan 04 |
5.10 |
Soul Purpose |
A mysterious stranger approaches Spike claiming responsibility for recorporealizing him in a mission to guide Spike in supplanting Angel as the new vampire champion. Meanwhile, Angel is racked by intense fever dreams and hallucinations of his worst fears intensifying his worries that he will lose authority to Spike. |
21st Jan 04 |
5.11 |
Damage |
When an emotionally unstable woman, Dana, escapes from a psychiatric ward, Angel learns that she was tortured as a child and is now searching for her tormentor. Andrew, a watcher-in-training, arrives from Sunnydale with surprising information about Buffy and to inform the group that Dana is also a vampire slayer. Meanwhile, Spike believes that if he can save Dana, he will prove that he is destined to be the vampire champion. |
28th Jan 04 |
5.12 |
You're Welcome |
Cordelia mysteriously awakens from her coma and is shocked and unhappy to discover that Angel and the group are no longer fighting Wolfram & Hart, they're running it. When she realizes that Angel has lost his conviction to be a hero, she gives him the information and support he needs to get back on track. Meanwhile, while Angel has security keeping an eye on Eve, her partner Lindsay prepares to bring about Angel's demise. |
4th Feb 04 |
5.13 |
1943 |
Lawson, a mysterious man from Angel's past, arrives at Wolfram & Hart and takes the gang hostage. Through flashbacks to World War II, it is revealed that Angel worked with the U.S. Navy to recover a captured German submarine with American sailors on board. The ship also has a secret cargo, a dangerous trio of vampires, including Spike, who were kidnapped by the Germans and forced to help the Nazis. When the sub comes under attack, Angel saves Lawson's life by turning him into a vampire. Now, sixty years later, Lawson has arrived at Wolfram & Hart seeking revenge. |
11th Feb 04 |
5.14 |
Smile Time |
When a popular children's show begins to steal the life forces of children by hypnotizing them, Angel goes directly to the studio to uncover the evil doings. Upon entering the building, Angel triggers a spell that transforms him into a puppet. In a race against time, puppet-Angel and company must find a way to reverse the spell, save the lives of hundreds of children and return Angel to his normal vampire state. Meanwhile, Nina , the werewolf Angel befriended, returns to declare her romantic intentions, but puppet-Angel is too embarrassed to reciprocate. |
18th Feb 04 |
5.15 |
A Hole in the World |
When Fred opens up an ancient sarcophagus that was anonymously sent to her, she is infected by a mysterious, parasitic demon called Illyria. When Angel and Spike learn that Illyria is an ancient demon who existed before recorded time, they must return her to the demon burial ground before she kills Fred and thousands of other innocent victims. |
25th Feb 04 |
5.16 |
Shells |
Angel and Spike return from England defeated, knowing that the ancient demon Illyria has completely taken over Fred's body and soul. Upon learning that Knox and Gunn have each contributed to her demise, Wesley goes for revenge and Angel tries everything to restore Fred, including calling on an old friend from Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Illyria tries to locate an ancient temple where she believes she will find an army ready to help her destroy mankind. |
3rd Mar 04 |
5.17 |
Underneath |
Hoping that Lindsay has information on the Senior Partners' ultimate plans, Angel, Spike and Gunn track him down in a bizarre and terrifying suburban hell. Meanwhile, a nearly invincible stranger sent by the Senior Partners infiltrates Wolfram & Hart looking for Eve. |
14th Apr 04 |
5.18 |
Origin |
Angel resists the appeal of parents seeking help from Wolfram & Hart regarding their son's supernatural abilities after he discovers that the boy is his son, Connor. Despite his reservations, Angel is forced to bring Connor into conflict with an old adversary to prevent his son's memories from being restored. Meanwhile Wesley uncovers a mysterious deal struck by Wolfram & Hart that threatens the secret Angel desperately wants to protect. |
21st Apr 04 |
5.19 |
Time Bomb |
When Illyria's powers become unstable and cause her to erratically jump through time, she learns that the gang intends to kill her. Upon returning to the present, Illyria plans to murder everyone before they're able to attack her. To save everyone's lives, Angel goes into the past with Illyria to alter the course of events. |
28th Apr 04 |
5.20 |
The Girl In Question |
Angel and Spike travel to Rome with plans to rescue Buffy from their old
nemesis The Immortal. While in Italy, they also attempt to retrieve the head
of a fallen demon leader to prevent a perilous power struggle between several
warring demon clans. |
5th May 04 |
5.21 |
Power Play |
The gang starts to have doubts about Angel's loyalties when he appears to
have become very close with the Circle of the Black Thorn, an evil secret demon
society. When Drogyn, the guardian of the deep well, makes a startling revelation,
the gangs' fears that Angel has become evil seem to be validated. |
12th May 04 |
5.22 |
Not Fade Away |
Angel and company spend the day as if it were their last as they prepare
to bring down the evil Circle of the Black Thorn. Putting their lives on the
line, Spike confronts a demon cult, Lorne faces off with Lindsay, Gunn takes
on an evil senator and Angel battles Hamilton, the henchman of the Senior Partners. |
19th May 04 |
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