You said, "One time in band camp..." so
many times in American pie. What overused expressions
really make you cringe?
I used to hate the world "rad," and now I
constantly use it. Also "dude" is infiltrating
my vocabulary.
What has playing a bookworm (Willow) on Buffy, and
a band geek in the American Pie films taught you about
That nerds are by far the more interesting humans later
in life. You need to suffer to be interesting. I think
I've met one person that's actually enjoyed high school.
I just felt the need to get out. Alive, preferably.
In elementary school, people made fun of me because
my skin was so white and I had black hair and wore black
clothes. I was Depressed Chick - very attractive.
About Buffy: Is Willow and Tara's (Amber Benson)
love affair over?
I don't know what's going to happen. Willow had a little
darkness, and now she is sober and that is what Tara
wanted. But nothing ever really works out in Sunnydale.
I mean, even my mother tried to burn me at the stake.
Is it difficult playing a lesbian?
I don't really treat Tara any differently than I treated
Oz [her werewolf boyfriend played by Seth Green]. OK,
she has bumbs on top and she's softer to kiss, but it's
not like 'Ooh, ah, same sex, oh dear, I've got to really
work into this!' It's not something I ever experienced,
but then I've never had to experience bringing back
my friends from the dead either.
Do you get free drinks at gay bars?
I should try to work the mojo on that, but I'm not a
big drinker. If they had gay candy stores, I'd be stoked.
What magic potion could really benefit Alyson Hannigan?
Probably a patience potion...
Have you tried any potions of the illegal variety?
I'm not a big partier. I love when my emotions are real;
not a pill that I popped to make me feel something.
I can't stand when people use drugs as an escape. It's
like, everybody suffers. Deal with your issues, you'll
feel so much better.
What's your most irrational fear?
Dying and having no one to find me for two weeks. And
when they did, my dogs, Daisy, Alex and Zippy, were
eating my tongue. Apparantly that's what dogs go for
Uh, thanks for sharing. Last year when Buffy died,
her headstone read: "She saved the world a lot."
What would you like written on yours?
"She's not here right now, come back later"?
I'd hope they'd spell my first name right - one 'l'
and a 'y' - and say that I was happy.
As a pet lover, do you believe in animal testing?
I would much rather have it tested on criminals waiting
for their execution. These people aren't scared of death,
so maybe if they knew they were going to be tested and
their testicles are going to fall off, they'd be alittle
more cautious before they slaughtered somebody.
Whoa! Speaking of laws, as a girl who reportedly
lost her virginty at 17, what do you think the age of
consent for sexual relations should be?
Sixteen. You can drive a car. You know what's going
You've dated a musician [Marilyn Manson drummer
Ginger Fish] and an actor (Buffy and Angel's Alexis
Denisof). Who makes the better boyfriend?
Oh, God, I wouldn't recommend either. I had the "I
will not date actors" philosophy and so did Alexis
at the time. So it was one of those flirtatious friendships.
Then I started dating somebody else, and Alexis didn't
like that. When that wasn't working out, it's like,
"Oh, we're still friends, and we're going to date
now." It's been two years [with Alexis].
Complete this setence: Even the best boyfriend will
never understand...
PMS. And how wonderful it is when they go buy tampons
for you. That's the sign of a true man.
In relationships, are you the cat or the mouse?
I've been both. But I would say the cat.
The dumper or the dumpee?
I've been both. But, the dumper.
So, Dumping Cat, in those rare instances where it
happens, how do you mend a broken heart?
It's very difficult. Good friends always help. They'll
tell you what a scuzz the guy was.
You've been photographed in lingerie in a men's
magazine. Are you comfortable with that?
It's always better when you're alone, so you don't have
to be standing next to somebody with huge boobs and
a perfect tan. And it's a lot easier to feel more confident
when you know that they're going to airbrush away the
Last question: Have you ever danced in your underwear
to the music of Britney Spears?
I can't say that I have to Britney Spears - I don't
listen to the radio stations that play her - but I do
dance in my underwear to Travis and Coldplay when I'm
cleaning my room. Anything to get you away from cleaning
your room.