: Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel The Series News
Slayage : Buffy News

joss says:

(Tue Jan 23 22:21:12 2001

Okay, bedtime. Last things: My next ep starts shooting tomorrow, is 16. Another interesting challenge for me. And yes, I'm co-scripting the Angel comic with Brett Matthews for a four ish arc, set it in a slightly different direction. Plus FRAY (i'm behind on ish 3) and the whole staff (minus Marti but plus Amber!) is doing a compilation called Tales of the Slayers, each writer doing a Slayer from a different era, and Dark horse is hooking us up with some SERIOUS artists. Comics are fun but now I have to sleep and then run two shows. Remember that each and every one of you is special, except the people from Clambentown, you all stink.

The ring was silver.

joss says:

(Tue Jan 23 22:12:11 2001

As to the show being ruined if it went to FOX (Which I doubt it would), well the head of the Fox network is Gail Berman, who did come up with the idea of making Buffy into a TV show... I don't poke my head into the business world too much. All I care about is making the show. And naked stuff.

joss says:

(Tue Jan 23 22:06:12 2001

Actually have to bail in a min, need sleep. But I did see the ABC mention -- I didn't love the sexual reference, clever though it was. I'm overprotective. Finding out that EDWARD GOREY was a Buffy fan, now that made my life. Anyhoo, I just wanted to say hey and yes that was Anne, and yes she had the huge tat removed cuz she's independent now. Which I love. The strength she's gained over her incredibly spread out arc... it's what the shows are all about. And Julia is a sweetie. She'll be back. (Though working with Julie, Julia and Juliet was kind of a strain).

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