: Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel The Series News
Slayage : Buffy News

joss says:
(Wed May 23 00:33:51 2001

on my way to bed. I've never been so tired. (lie.) We did it. Feeling good. Killed the girl. Girl comin' back. A good thing? Nothing is simple in this life. My actors and writers and crew are unbelievable. I'm lucky to be this kind of tired. Thanks all of you for your comments and opinions, even the ones I hated. UPN will be a good home for us. 'Cause the show won't change -- except inasmuch as it's always changing. Next year is going to be intense. INTENSE. And the musical... the musical... could be the worst hour of TV ever made, but you won't be able to say we didn't go there. I'll post sometime soon, wherever the bronze may be.

Need the sleep.

Love the tired.

joss says:
(Wed May 23 08:28:44 2001

Somewhat more coherent now. Just want to say again, finally, definitively, and in LIVING color that BUFFY WILL BE BACK NEXT SEASON STARRING Sarah Michelle GELLAR (of television's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer")on UPN, TUESDAYS at 8:00.

How will we bring her back? With great difficulty, of course. And pain and confusion. Will it be cheezy? I don't think so. (I've loved some of the theories here on how it might be done.) The fact is, we've had most of next season planned before we ever shot this ep. Same writers you know, same actors you love, same crappy little warehouse we've been shooting in for five years... Different network. But we've never been controlled by the network -- WB was great about that, UPN has already shown they will be too. The only difference is that Marti will share exec prod credit with me, and it's about time she did. I'm in charge.

Okay, that's a lie. The STORY is in charge, the story that keeps on speaking to me, that says there is much more to tell about all these characters. An ensemble this brilliant could easily carry the show even without the Slayer -- but the fact is, even though she reached some beauty closure, Buffy's story isn't over. When it is, I'll know. And we'll stop. Til then, have faith. (not faith the character -- she's making movies and stuff.) And to answer a few other inevitable questions:

Yes I am the real "Delusions of Grandeur". Er, I mean....

Yes Buffy will be black. (Er... damn.)

It's none of your damn business what kind of underwear I'm wearing, but please don't tell Kai.

This has been a public nuisance announcement.

Kisses, j.

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