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Pryce Watcher
New Weekly, June 2001

Angel star Alexis Denisof, who plays 'watcher' Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, gets spiritual with NW.

NW: You're American, but your character on Angel in British - do people think you're from England?

AD:They think I'm a freak! I lived in London for 10 years before moving back, so people just can't work out where I'm from,

NW: Why'd you move back?

AD: I came back to the States on vacation, to get over a broken heart, Before I knew it, the week's vacation had turned into a full year of work. When I got back to Britain, the mail had piled up and the plants were dead.

NW:Your show's all about another realm - are you spiritual?

AD: I ask myself alot of spiritual questions and I do meditate. The more I do explore, the less able I to say with certainty what I believe in, because more and more things become possible.

NW: Do you trust yourself?

AD: Noew I do. I've realised I don't have to make a plan for every minute of the day. I think Australians are very good at that, because they get to a certain age and they go travelling - they just go with the flow, but Americans don't really do that. It would be good if we could do that and loosen up.

NW: You're pretty fearless as the 'watcher' - do you have any real-life fears?

AD: I don't like sickers. Any kind, mainly price tags. And particularly those little stickers on fruit ...

NW: What do you most miss about England?

AD: The newspapers, the pub, big fry-ups, a decent cup of tea, the countryside and strawberries in June.

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