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Joss Speaks At The Bronze |
Thanks to Little
Willow |
joss, a man who is leaving says:
(Wed Oct 31 15:00:03 2001) [Edit/Delete]
Forgot to mention: The guys a UPN said they'd get a linear board
up by the time the ep airs so I can check in and see what people
thought. But keep the pressure on! Just in case. Also, soundtrack...
we're definitely going to put one out, but it may take a while cuz
of contract bull$@&%, MAN it's been a nightmare trying to set
that up. I'm hoping to have place at Buffupn for people to log on
and click if they're interested in buying it. If we set it up, click
away! (but if you do, just once, so we can get an accurate number).
I guess some execs didn't think there'd be much interest, but I'm
not looking to go platinum, just some streaks or highlights....
sorry. Hair secrets. Not looking for a hit record, just want those
who want it to be able to get it. But every step has been painful
and insane and pretty much shaken my faith in humanity. I also don't
trust Caribou anymore. They're out there, on the tundra, waiting...
Something's going down. I'm right about this.
joss, a simple man with nosecret code to protect his virginal name
(Wed Oct 31 14:40:21 2001) [Edit/Delete]
Quick stop in. Saw a Q and yes, the musical ep isgoing to be a
few minutes longer, maybe run over by about six. So set your VCR's
accordingly, particularly since Tuesday night is the ONLY TIME the
show will be broadcast in its entirety. It will run again but deep
cuts will have to be made -- UPN are gods for letting us run (a
total of eight minutes) long, but they can't do it on the rerun
too. So Watch! PS, has anyone seen the bills posted in LA (and amybe
NY?) I designed (with much help from the masterful Jeph Loeb) a
classic old style musical poster and the brilliant Adam Hughes (He
does covers for Wonder Woman comics) painted it. It's something
to see. Boy, after all this effort, I sure hope you don't all hate
the thundering crap out of the show. That'd be oops.
And yes, my name is still a virgin. It has yet to know the love
of another name.
Naked, gay, goats, etc.... joss.
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