Guardian Angel
David Boreanaz Really is an Angel
At least on the phone, talking to David Boreanaz is no different
than talking to any guy friend, except that he has this uncanny
ability to always say the right thing.Ý Heíll melt your heart, raise
the hair on your arms and bring a tear to your eye when he talks
about how much he loves his fiancÈe.Ý Two girls from the University
of North Carolina asked David questions about life, love and what
kind of underwear he prefers.
What qualities do you look for in a girl?
I like girls who are intelligent, kind, have a sense of humor,
and are self-assured and confident -comfortable in their own skin.Ý
Itís not about looks.Ý Itís about spirit.
Whatís it like working with Sarah Michelle Gellar?Ý Are you
guyís good friends?
Well, I donít work with her anymore.Ý But when I did, she was great
to work with.Ý Sheís a very heartfelt person who gives out a lot
of raw energy.Ý Sheís very kind.Ý We donít really hang out that
much any more, but sheís a good person to have in my life.
What are some of your favorite TV shows/channels?
ESPN, AMC, The Gardening Channel, The Cooking Channel, The History
Channel, HBO, and of course Angel.
Favorite movie? ÝGoodfellas
Whatís in your CD player right now?Ý Sounds of Bali
Whatís the hardest part about being famous?
I donít think Iím famous.Ý Iím just a person doing my job.Ý Everyone
has fears that they hold on to every day.Ý I think itís important
for me to just walk myself through them rather than let anyone pamper
Whatís the best part?
The rewards are being able to see somebodyís face light up when
they see you, or seeing kids respond to you and seeing their parents
What do you think about fake boobs?
Thatís something for the individual to decide.Ý I think the body
is beautiful enough ñ it doesnít need to be enhanced.Ý But I also
understand the pressure women have to deal with in terms of their
body image.Ý If it makes them feel good about themselves, then I
donít have a problem with it.Ý I think itís important for people
to feel comfortable in their own skin.
If you knew you wanted to be an actor from a young age, what
made you decide to go to college?Ý Why didnít you just move straight
to Hollywood?
I wanted to get an education and live my life and experience people
and events and travel.Ý Hollywood wasnít going anywhere.Ý I would
rather expand my horizons and experience new people and cultures
and areas I was interested in pursuing and learning more about.
Do you keep in touch with your friends from home?Ý What do they
think of Angel?
Most of my friends are out here [in Los Angeles] now.Ý Iíve stayed
in touch with some of my friends from college.Ý They are thrilled
for me ñ they think itís a kick.Ý My friends from Philadelphia are
the salt of the earth ñ theyíre really down to earth and keep me
What was your major in college?Ý Communications
Were you in a fraternity?Ý No, we didnít have any frats
at Ithaca.Ý Itís just a small school in upstate New York.
Did you play any sports?
Just pick-up games like basketball and football.Ý Iíve always been
athletic and active my whole life.
What were you like in highschool?
I stuck to myself.Ý I played a lot of sports, a lot of football.Ý
I was pretty shy and quiet and reserved.Ý I didnít really come out
of my shell until the end of my senior year.
Boxers or briefs?Ý Boxers
Sushi or steak? ÝSteak
New York or LA?Ý Both
Looks or brains?Ý Brains
What do you and Angel have in common?
Nothing, except we both wear black socks.
Do you have anyone special in your life right now? (hint, hint)
My fiancÈ, Jaime Bergman is the love of my life.Ý She captured
everything I want in a woman.Ý Sheís a great woman, a great girl
ñ sheís everything I would ever need and want.Ý She's absolutely