Everyone! Out of the Water!
Angel Episode 4.1 'Deep Down'
Air Date: 06Oct02 |
Welcome to my first attempt at writing about Angel
- The Series. Allow me to start by saying that 90% of
you know this show much better than I do, so I'd advise
against writing me asking for explanations of its mythology.
When Bec first offered to start posting my Buffy reviews
on Slayage, she asked if I might also be interested
in writing similar pieces on Angel. I initially ducked,
as I'm admittedly a latecomer to Buffy so I only started
following Angel last season. I've managed to see the
history of Buffy in its entirety, but I'm still trying
to play catch-up with the first two seasons of Angel
(let's have those DVDs soon, Joss!). So despite the
fact that I've quickly grown to love this second cast
of characters, not to mention the decidedly different
tone and language, I'll still be depending on all of
you to correct my inaccuracies and answer the odd question
for me. At least until I get caught up with what went
on before I started watching. Onward
The "previously" montage perfectly encapsulated
what a rock solid third season Mutant Enemy blessed
us with. Last year's Buffy had its share of grade A
high points, but I know I'm not the only one that thinks
Angel was much more consistent and cohesive, with a
tighter arc and better pacing throughout (here come
the emails from those of you who disagree).
Look! It's the opening credits from Roseanne! Oh, sorry
It's just Angel and company enjoying Thanksgiving
dinner as one big happy family. Nice to see all of that
unpleasant business with the slit throat and the burial
at sea is firmly behind them. Here's to a season filled
with nothing but hugs and sweet potatoes. Oh, Connor!
Your dinner table antics always leave us in stitches,
you little scamp. Pass the ham, Wes.
Scratch that. It seems that this season premiere sees
Angel three months and counting into his undersea vacation,
and he's got some trippy delusions to keep him company.
Hopefully when he gets out, he and Spike can both find
their way to group therapy for nutty vamps with souls.
I remember the eerie feeling at the end of last season
as it dawned on me that with Angel underwater, Cordy
on the stairway to Heaven, Lorne Vegasbound, and Wesley
in the sack with Lilah, Angel Investigations was suddenly
comprised solely of Gunn & Fred (with a footnote
for L'enfant Terrible). Our first glimpse of how they've
been coping called to mind the way the Scoobie Gang
struggled to keep Sunnydale's population down while
Buffy hid out in L.A. at the beginning of her third
season. But the big difference is that Xander (Or should
we call him "Nighthawk"?) and company were
a stumbling, stake-dropping comedy of errors, while
Fred & Gunn kicked ass like a well-oiled ass kicking
machine (patent pending). This series has some first-rate
action sequences, and I like how they never just depend
on the central character the whole crew gets
to make with the damage, and even Fred is really coming
in to her own as a capable vamp-duster, armed with that
sneaky little pop-out wrist stake. Yes, Connor, the
thing with the axe was cool, but at this point I still
don't find you much more endearing than a sixth season
Dawn summers with super strength. Somebody needs to
see a few ABC After School Specials (Do they still make
those, or am I dating myself?).
Aside from the beautiful music Fred and Gunn make with
stake and crossbow, I love the verbal interplay between
these two. There's great romantic chemistry, and both
Amy Acker and J. August Richards nailed the episode's
jokes with sparkly comedic timing. They're a big part
of why this is easily my favourite series about a Los
Angeles detective agency since Moonlighting.
Speaking of snappy banter and sharp writing, kudos
to Steven DeKnight for constructing a story that seamlessly
blended reality and dream sequences. We got plenty of
actual developments and meaty plot points to feed on,
with the added bonus of a pile of "What If"
moments like Angel biting Cordy (his bloody-chinned
"apology" was absolutely chilling) and snapping
Connor's neck, to scratch all of our Twilight Zone itches.
I've always loved a good dream episode.
If Spike is the most complex and conflicted figure
in the Buffyverse, I hereby nominate Mr. Wesley Wyndham-Price
for the 2-spot. Talk about drastic character development.
Is this scruffy renegade who had Lilah in his bed and
Justine gagged in his closet really the same stuffed-shirt
who used to drop his journals every time Cordy would
burst into the library at Sunnydale High? It's a fascinating
deal, because Wesley feels as betrayed by the gang as
they do by him, and both perspectives are perfectly
understandable. He's going to great lengths to help
them, but the wound on his throat is the only one that
HAS healed, and he seems to want as little to do with
his former staff as possible. But don't think for a
second that it isn't tearing him apart. The roller coaster
journey that Wes is on is almost enough on its own to
keep this series exciting and deliciously watchable,
but it's a good thing there's so much additional turmoil
in the mix. And now, thanks to Wesley and his slave
girl, Angel is safely back on dry land and ready to
set some heads rolling.
Which brings us to the biggest gasp of the night, the
sudden but definite power shift at Wolfram & Hart.
Lilah should write a diet book, as she just helped Linwood
lose ten pounds of ugly fat in record time. Yikes! If
I was Wesley, I'd be wary of angering this barracuda,
as she's proven once again that she's full of nasty
Hands up everyone who initially thought when Fred zapped
Connor with the Taser that we were seeing another of
Angel's hallucinations. Again, it's a credit to the
quality of the script that we were kept guessing what
was what throughout.
But Fred's rage was the real deal, and after a thoroughly
(and literally) drained Wesley delivered the catch of
the day, it was time for Angel to hoist himself up and
once again prove his indestructible love for his son.
This is a group of people in shambles and scarred by
betrayal, but 'Deep Down' they're bound by their common
need to do what's right. If I may quote Giles from 'Lessons',
"In the end we all are who we are, no matter how
much we may appear to have changed." And just before
the credits rolled, sweet Cordelia put another spin
on this, as she traversed untold dimensions but still
managed to shrug it off like that same bratty cheerleader
being dragged into another research party back in the
So another season gets off to a great start. If I consider
how quickly Firefly is growing on me, I'd say Mutant
Enemy is off to a mighty three-for-three so far this
Take care, everybody, and we'll talk soon.
PS Does ANYONE know what Lorne meant when he
said, "make sure Fluffy's getting enough love"?
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